I approached a prominent health drink organisation to try to find out if they would donate their health drink as part of the refreshments for the Chinese Senior Music and Information Session. They declined my request. Unperturbed, I kept praying for God's provision for refreshments.

A few days later, as I was parked in front of a row of shops reading my Bible, I noticed a delivery van pull up next to me. I felt Holy Spirit prompt me to look at the logo on the side of the van. Lo and behold, it was a delivery van for the health drink company I had approached earlier. I then felt Holy Spirit tell me to watch which shop the delivery man was going to. Holy Spirit said to me, "Go into that shop and ask the owner for the quantity of health drink you need for the program". I went into the shop and began telling the owner about the program and that we were looking for refreshments for the seniors. The shop owner said she could donate some fruit and kept on asking what else she could do to help. I felt Holy Spirit prompt me again to ask for the quantity of health drink we needed. I did. The shop owner did some calculations and said, "Yes" with a smile and placed the order for the drinks immediately. Praise God for his provision!

Posted in November 2014

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