CityLife Church is committed to the safety, protection and wellbeing of all children and young people. This is of fundamental importance as we seek to nurture and encourage all children and young people to grow in the knowledge that they were created in the image of God, who loves and cares for them.

CityLife Church is committed to providing safe people, places and programs for all children to participate in, with particular attention to those who have diverse circumstances and who are at greater risk of facing prejudice, exclusion, and discrimination. As such, CityLife Church is particularly committed to protecting the wellbeing of children and young people with disabilities, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, with diverse sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and those who are unable to live at home. We are committed to working with families in a mutually respectful and reciprocal way, to provide a community of faith that is caring, for children and young people to feel welcome.
Zero Tolerence
CityLife Church and CityLife Community Care have zero-tolerance for any form of child abuse or harm and take actions to prevent its occurrence.
Commitment to Ongoing Development and Implementation of Child Safety Strategies

CityLife Church has implemented a range of child safety measures as part of our commitment to providing safe people, places and programs in our Kids Ministry and EPIC Youth Programs. These include a comprehensive Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct, and a Charter of Commitment to Children and Young People.
Our measures also involve all staff and volunteers having a current Working with Children Check, signing on to the behavioural standards and responsibilities of our Child Safety Code of Conduct, and attending compulsory regular training and education on child safety. Training includes recognising signs of potential abuse and grooming, risk identification and mitigation strategies, promoting cultural safety and inclusiveness, and clear guidance on how to respond and deal with child abuse, neglect, discrimination and bullying, in an effective and consistent manner, including mandatory and non-mandatory reporting to the authorities.

CityLife will continue to develop ministries for all children and young people that are fun, engaging, and help them to discover the love that God has for them, while demonstrating the utmost commitment to both their physical and online safety, privacy and personal integrity, social connectedness, inclusion, and protection from bullying or harassment.

Commitment to Equity and
Respect for Diverse Needs

CityLife recognises that some vulnerable children and young people, may need support specific to their individual needs to participate fully and freely in our programs and activities.

Due to the individual nature of the experiences and needs of these children and young people, the church recognises that no single approach will suit every need and will work with the child and young person and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to find suitable support commensurate with the skills of staff and volunteers.
Commitment to Invite Feedback, Input or Complaint

The church is committed to inviting feedback and input from children, young people and their parent(s)/guardian(s) in relation to our child safety measures and to the accessibility and suitability of programs relating to the specific needs of their children. We will engage families to ensure they have input into decisions affecting their young ones. To support this process, we have a feedback procedure and an online form for submission of feedback.

Similarly, CityLife takes seriously any concerns or complaints raised by children, young people or their parent(s)/guardian(s) about the conduct of staff, volunteers or other children or young people. To support this process, we have a complaint handling procedure and an online form for submission of complaints.
For all other queries or input, you may speak directly to a pastor or other staff member, text 0429 199 626 or email
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© 2025 CityLife Church Melbourne Australia. All Rights Reserved.
We recognise the sovereignty and Lordship of the one true God, revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where we work and live, the Kulin Nation, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.