When I first came to CityLife I was going through a very difficult time. When I told the people at CityLife they took tender care for me through counselling, prayer and invitations to Life Group and text messages.

It was very important for me to be validated feel I existed and that I had an issue to be taken care of. When I first came here I felt as if I was a dried tree leaf that fell on the ground and everyone had stepped on and destroyed/fractured. CityLife picked up the many little pieces with tender and subtle care. The church put me all together again. They respected my situation and my boundaries so I felt I could relax and be loved just as I am. I felt God's love through my friend's care and respect. Now I look at myself and I feel so far and distant from all the pain and oppression. All the cords to darkness have been severed. Now there is hope and joy in my life. It's as though my cup overflows. God has shown me a new day, a new opportunity and a new life. Praise the Lord.

~ Paz

Posted in March 2015

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We recognise the sovereignty and Lordship of the one true God, revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where we work and live, the Kulin Nation, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.