I started attending CityLife Church at Knox in May 2019. At that time, I was a broken woman, going through a difficult season in life and in my marriage. The very first time, I attended CityLife, I felt like I had returned home. One of the pastors made me feel so welcome and she prayed over me at the end of the service. Then the pandemic hit and I lost my way again. In January 2021, one Saturday afternoon, I looked over and saw this beautiful family sitting together. At the end of the service, I said to the lady - "You have a beautiful family, how do you do it?" She said "Start with baby steps." I said, "It's too late, my son is 15 years old and my daughter is 12 years old." She said, "It's never too late." This beautiful lady became a huge part of my journey, guiding me every step of the way. I invited my son to church one Saturday afternoon in May. People made him feel welcome and invited him to youth group the following Friday. It turned out one of my son's good friends also attends CityLife Church and attend the same school. What a small world!!! My daughter started going to youth group a few weeks later after my son started going. It took a little while for my daughter to settle in, but now she can't wait to go every Friday night. During this time, I read books on The Praying Wife and The Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian. Incredible powerful books to read about relationships. But God, our mighty God, blessed me with the most amazing gift and answered my prayers - Last December, my husband, my son and my daughter went to see the Christmas Production - Emmanuel. We went together as a family, seated together as a family, just like I saw that family two years ago, something that I never thought would happened in a million years. But praise God, he is constantly working in our lives, so please always have hope and pray.

Posted in January 2023

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We recognise the sovereignty and Lordship of the one true God, revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where we work and live, the Kulin Nation, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.