I just wanted to share how I was recently blessed immeasurably by the Lord. During these unprecedented times of COVID-19 and more recently with this latest lockdown I have felt there are so many more opportunities to be able to share some of the love and blessings that God has poured out so abundantly into my life. I was scrolling through Facebook one day and I came across the following post that had been shared by a friend; Just a reminder: If ANYONE is not working/not receiving a pay check, and runs out of food for you or your kids or your pets, or times are just tough.... please don’t let you or your kids especially, go to bed with an empty stomach. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message. I will be more than happy to share whatever I can and have. I will drop and go and pretend it never happened! What’s understood never has to be explained! #JoinTheCause #CopyAndPasteIfYouCanAndAreWilling

I immediately re-shared this post with the hope that I would be able to bless someone in need. But to be perfectly honest I really wasn’t expecting anyone to respond. So I prayed about it, and left it with the Lord. Almost a week had passed and I hadn’t had any response. That is until yesterday when I had a single mother with a young child reach out to me. I can’t tell you the amount of joy it bought to my heart. I responded immediately by preparing a cooked meal and purchasing some basic grocery items. Let me say I have never enjoyed shopping as much as I did yesterday. My heart was so full and my cheeks were aching from smiling. I was then able to drop off my little care package on this mother’s doorstep. I honestly can’t say who was more blessed by this simple act, me or her and her child. I literally felt like my heart was going to burst from being so filled with joy. Today I am so very grateful to the Lord for all that He has blessed me with, and for the opportunity to be able to share some of that with another person. His provision is ever abundant and His grace is all sufficient. All praise and glory be to Him. Thank you Father God.

Posted in June 2021

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