I was recently in hospital with an extensive blood clot, which extended from my left knee to my stomach. It was deathly painful! When I was given the diagnosis and the proposed treatments available it all looked quite grim. The specialist in charge suggested that I do not proceed with the vascular surgeries (a total of three in all) because of the risk... one in one thousand die. However, I would remain an invalid for the remainder of my life, with a swollen leg, possibly in a wheelchair, and be at risk of death from an embolism if I did not have the surgery. I was not in any condition to make decisions, both from the pain and the medications I was on, but the specialist in charge kept trying to dissuade me from having surgery and without my permission kept taking me off the surgery list. Three male vascular surgeons on the other hand were all for the surgery and were advocating for me.

My husband felt that God had told him I should go ahead with the surgery. We also had many beloved saints and family praying on my behalf. On the morning of the first surgery I was quite frightened... I am not afraid of death as I have known the Lord for over 35 years, I just felt a little confused as I had always felt that God had impressed upon my heart that I would live a long life. Of course I would much rather be in heaven with Him, but I felt that I still have much to do here including seeing my grand-children grow. So I asked the Lord if I had maybe heard wrong... was this my time to come home? Just before surgery I heard a still small voice say to me, "I will be with you in trouble." My husband and I looked up the scripture these words come from. Psalm 91:15 "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him my salvation." Then I read v. 14 "Because he has set his love on me I will deliver him, because he has known My name." Then I felt the Lord took me to v. 7 " A thousand may fall at your (left side) and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you." I felt God was saying: "Yes, I have promised you long life, you heard right. And even if the chances were a thousand die and one survived, with Me they are pretty good odds for you to survive!" Needless to say I had the surgeries and am fully recovered now.

I could not help but wonder why all this had happened... During my stay in hospital, I met a Greek lady, Olga, who was in hospital for brain tumours. The doctors had operated on her twice before for brain tumours and this was her third time here. Olga is 75 years old and her English is limited, she was experiencing a bit of memory loss, possibly dementia, I assume due to the tumours. I talked in Greek with her on the first night after my surgeries, she seemed so glad for the chat, and even came and sat with for a couple of hours whilst I lay recovering. The next day, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to talk to her about eternity. Olga told me she did not fear death, but felt we could not be sure where we go afterwards. I told her we can be assured where we go because Jesus came to tell us and we can believe and trust Him because He is the Truth and He does not lie. Needless to say she gave her heart to the Lord that evening with tears in her eyes. I was discharged from hospital the next morning. She was always looking for something to read. So when I asked her if she wanted a bible she was very keen. My mother was able to get a Greek New Testament for me to give Olga, and I gave it to her as I was leaving. I felt so burdened for her that I could not disciple her as I could not even drive to visit her in the hospital, because of my surgeries, but felt that still small voice say, "she probably wouldn't remember you, you know. All she needs is my word and her prayer was sincere, a child of mine has her name written in the book of life and the angels are rejoicing. You did what you needed to do." What an amazing God we serve, this happened in late February early March but I am still weeping in joy as I write and reflect on His goodness.

Posted in April 2021

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