Today, my girls and I were working in the garden. It was looking very ragged after a long, harsh and hot summer. We cut plants right back and weeded. I turned and fed the soil, repositioned plants, pulled plants out that had died or had had their day. We watered and swept. There are still areas that need ongoing attention but they are on its way. As I stepped back, my heart was full of joy. I loved what we, the girls and I had done together. Then God spoke to me. “What you have done here to your garden, I have done in you. You have been through a long, harsh season. I have weeded your life, soul and mind together, cut areas right back, pulled out plants, repositioned others, and you have tended to the soil for the seed to germinate. There is much more work to do but it’s on the way. We are doing this together. Keep on watering, tending the soil, weeding and cutting back what you know doesn’t bear fruit. I promise I will always be shining my light on you. Without Me, you cannot grow. With me, you are beginning to thrive on my love. Gardening with your girls strengthen your bond with joy, as it is doing ours.”

Posted in March 2019

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We recognise the sovereignty and Lordship of the one true God, revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where we work and live, the Kulin Nation, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.