A good friend of mine just got out from jail - he did 5 years with his cousin. Now, I never knew his cousin and I connected with him on Facebook. I used to drop a few lines to him and ask how is he going, how are you feeling and he started to open up to me. He told me he was very depressed - he had no car, no job and was struggling. This was an opportunity for God to step in.

I had a second-hand car in my driveway, not registered. I told him I would help him by giving my car to him, to get him back on his feet. I got a roadworthy cert for it and registered it straight to his name. When I gave him the car, I gave him a brand new bible and asked him to one day read it. Now we got him a mobile and just last week I hooked him up with a friend of mine and got him a job.

He is lost for words. He told me how grateful he is as nobody would help him. He felt helpless and still can't believe how I went out of my way to pay for everything and get him on his feet.

It just goes to show how the love of Jesus can flow through our lives if we allow it.

Posted in November 2018

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