Last week we covered the key focus areas of Encounter and Develop. Below is a brief recap:
Encounter - We will expectantly pursue an increase in the life and activity of the Holy Spirit so that we are built and transformed in our discipleship journey through faith-filled experiences of God’s presence, grace and power.
Develop - We will inspire a new commitment to be disciples who make disciples. We will provide new training and equipping opportunities to enable people to develop their character and capacity, and to release their potential.
The greatest contribution you can make in life may not be something you do but someone you develop.
This week we will continue to explore the key focus areas of Create and Influence:
Nehemiah 4:1 - 2Nehemiah 4:10 - 18CREATEWe will inspire people to respond to the timeless truth of the gospel by leveraging creativity in ways that are relevant to their generation and context. We will foster an environment of faith and a culture of possibilities.
‘Creativity is the new business currency.’ - Ed CatmullCreate Goals
• We will continually strive to create “irresistible” environments in weekend services, ministries and programs/events.
• We will allocate time within every weekend service for faith building moments.
• To see our younger generations inspired to dream and achieve big things for God.
INFLUENCEWe will see an expansion of the influence of the Kingdom of God through our church bringing the good news of Jesus to families, friends and colleagues. We will reach new communities by establishing new congregations. We will reach further into our local communities by mobilizing each of our congregations around specific local needs through our community impact ministries and partnerships.
Influence Goals
• Adopt B.L.E.S.S. across our church.
• Expand missional thinking into the Life Group format to create Bridge Groups.
• Mobilise every congregation around specific local community needs.
• Impact more than 800 communities globally.
• Launch 2 – 3 new congregations.
Discussion Questions 1. What can you do differently in Life Groups to be relevant and create an atmosphere of faith?
2. What are some of the ways Life Groups can implement to reach out to our families, communities and sphere of influence?
3. Share of one of the key focus areas that makes the biggest impression in your heart and how do you further pursue them?
4. Pray for our church as we continue to pursue the vision God has given to CityLife Church and individual involvement in building that vision.