This message was preached at Casey.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:1-27 and Acts 2:1-21
Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Passover. Jesus used these Jewish celebrations to explain what He was doing. For example,
At Passover the Jews remembered God saving them from slavery to Pharoah. At Passover Jesus shows how He saves us from slavery to sin, death and the demonic realm.
In the same way, Pentecost helps us understand what God is doing by sending His Holy Spirit. Today we will look at 3 similarities that will help us step into everything God has for us.
The Presence of GodWhen we read through the accounts of the giving of the 10 commandments (Deuteronomy 5 and Exodus 19) as well as the giving of The Holy Spirit (Acts 2) we see certain similarities in regards to the presence of God.
Read through these accounts and fill out below. In which verses do you see the following:
Violent Weather
- Mt Sinai = .....
- Upper Room = ...
- Mt Sinai = .....
- Upper Room = ...
Voice of God
- Mt Sinai = .....
- Upper Room = ...
- What are some other ways the presence of God manifests throughout the Scriptures? (E.g. people falling over: Ezekiel 1:28, Daniel 8:17, Matthew 17:6, Rev 1:17)
- What are some ways you have seen the presence of God manifest in your life?
Response to the Presence of GodIn Exodus 19:3-6 God reveals that the purpose of the people of God is to be a Holy Nation, and to be a Kingdom of Priests. God’s plan was that every person would be a priest – someone with a direct connection to both God and humanity. However, once they see and hear God, they get scared, and they back down from their calling and insist that Moses goes on their behalf. (See Deuteronomy 5:23-27)
At the end of each of the gospels Jesus gives the Great Commission which outlines the purpose for the people of God. In Acts 2:13 people have a response to the presence of God and mock the believers saying they look and sound drunk.
As we read through the remainder of the book of Acts, we see those who embrace the Holy Spirit are filled with courage and boldness and declare the gospel with signs and wonders following.
- Here we find three responses to the presence of God, a) Fear it and say “that is ok for them but not for me”, b) mock it, and c) embrace it. Which response do you most align with and why?
- Have you ever allowed fear to stop from you stepping into something God has for you? What advice would you give someone who is fearful of taking their next step of faith?
GivingAt Pentecost the Jews remembered God giving the 10 Commandments. These rules shaped the way the people of God were to live. At Pentecost in Acts 2, God gives the Holy Spirit. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit now shapes the way we are to live.
In Deuteronomy 5:23-27 the people of God say they no longer want to hear God directly and just want to be told what to do. (rules) However, in Acts 2:14-21 Peter connects the baptism in the Holy Spirit to the Joel prophecy that says God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh so we can all hear God directly. (relationship)
- Describe how your relationship with the Holy Spirit affects your day-to-day living? What would it look like to have an even better relationship with Holy Spirit? How can you make this happen?
- In Acts 1:8 Jesus promised that we would receive power to be His witnesses. Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps you share the gospel.
Prayer Time - Ask if anyone has not yet been baptised in the Holy Spirit and pray for them.
- Spend some time praying for one another to encounter the presence of God.