It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of all that needs to get done, as well as navigate the unexpected things of life we just have to accommodate. Before you know it, a whole year has gone by, or two, or five, or more … before we realise!
Which is why it’s so important to regularly take stock of our lives and recalibrate, asking ourselves and God – what’s really important; am I doing that; and how can I be intentional about it this year?
This is not about new year resolutions, but growing … being intentional about becoming what God intends for you. So, of all the things we could prioritise and be intentional about, where should we focus?
What worthy areas are you considering to do better this year: career, studies, finances, family/friends/relationships, travel, health/fitness, personal growth, spiritual growth, serving at church or in your community, or other?
Read – Mark 12:28-34 (cf. Deut 6:4-5; 4:29; 10:12; Joshua 22:5; Matt 22:37; Luke 10:27)Some helpful background: Rabbinic tradition of the day had 613 commands (365 negative/do NOT, and 248 positive/DO) covering Worship and Rituals, Ethics and Morality, Family and Relationships, Justice and the Legal System, Personal Holiness … basically everything related to life and faith!
And this enquirer is asking,
“Jesus, boil it down for me.”In reply, Jesus quotes Deut 6:4-5 (love God) and Lev 19:18 (love your neighbour) … the first time any rabbi had brought the two together. Heart, soul, mind, strength is not meant to be an itemised breakdown or analysis of human personality, but nevertheless helpful for us as we think concretely about how to practically apply this to our everyday lives:
Heart (Gr. kardia) – you could say, is our emotions, ‘feeling’ (as opposed to ‘thinking'), and in that, where we sense and experience the Holy Spirit. So to grow in loving God with all your heart might mean, more Holy Spirit; abandon in worship; prayer (alone and together with others); practise recognising the voice/leading of the Holy Spirit.
Mind (Gr. dianoia) – it would make sense, is our intellect, ‘thinking’ (as opposed to ‘feeling’), this is where we need to use our brain, and study God’s Word. So to grow in loving God with all your mind might mean, more of God’s Word; getting into the habit of regularly reading the Bible for ourselves, really studying the Scriptures (best along with others).
Soul (Gr. psyche) – you could say this is the essential you, that part of you that lasts forever. When you give your life to Jesus, God’s Spirit and God’s Word changes you. This is internal, within you; your character, which is who you are. So to grow in this area: where is God convicting you to make changes (attitudes, values, priorities, choices, dreams for the future, where you find your comfort, peace, satisfaction)?
Strength (Gr. ischys) – could be, ‘What are you going to do with the strength you have for each day?’ Not only does God want to change you, but he wants to change the world through you. This is external, beyond you. So to grow in loving God with all your strength might mean, making things better for God’s glory at home, at work, in your neighbourhood or community, at church, wherever you are.
Discussion Questions1. Of the four (heart, soul, mind, strength) is there one or more that you naturally gravitate toward and feel more comfortable exploring? Any that you have less experience in, and therefore a bit more hesitant to delve into?
2. To grow means you have to go beyond your comfort zone. Where and how is the Holy Spirit challenging you to step into new things this year? What is one practical change you will make this year, in response to that?
3. What is one thing you’ll do differently to love God with more of your heart? more of your soul? more of your mind? more of your strength?
4. Finally, considering Jesus’ assessment of this genuine seeker in Mark 12:34 who admired and agreed with Jesus; “not far'' also implies “not in” the Kingdom. The missing piece was faith in Jesus – which means trusting in Jesus to do what we cannot. Have you trusted in Jesus, even as you seek to do and grow into the Great Command? How can you continue to trust in Him rather than in your own good works/efforts?