A Fervent Follower... GivesJesus expected his disciples to be generous givers (Mt.6:1-4. Lk.6:38).
In fact, he saw that the use of one's money was an indication of a person's
values and a revelation of their heart's true affections (Mt.6:19-21). If a
person's heart is after God, then their finances will flow towards God's work
in the earth. Jesus told the rich ruler to sell everything he had and give it
to the poor (Mk.10:17-31). Unfortunately, this young man refused eternal life
because of the hold that money had on his life. Jesus knew the power that money
can wield on a life and he spoke directly to it. He said it straight - you
cannot serve God and money (Mt.6:24)!
Your Money Matters There are 500 verses in the Bible on the subject of "prayer",
less than 500 verses on "faith" but over 2000 verses on "money
and possessions". Jesus talked about money and possessions in 16 out of 38
parables and 1 out of every 10 verses in the gospels refer to this topic. Jesus
talked more about possessions and money than about heaven and hell combined.
Your money matters to God!
On the negative side, money can become like a monster that rules your
life if you allow it to. Money can be addictive (Ecc.5:10. 1 Tim.6:9-11),
deceptive (Mt.13:22) and destructive, and it's only temporal (Ecc.5:15-16.
Lk.12:16-21). Money can be difficult to master and that's why the Bible says
that the “love of it is the root of all evil (1 Tim.6:10).” If you don't
control your money, it will control you and it has the potential to destroy
So, should we all be poor? Not at all. God doesn't mind you having money
as long as your money doesn't have you. Money is not the problem; it's our
attitude towards it. Money is essential for survival and the expansion of God's
kingdom. It depends on our motives, our priorities and our values. If we serve
God, money can become a blessing in our life. The Bible shows us that God
desires to bless his people. God prospers us for a purpose. Money can meet our
basic needs (Dt.8:18), provide for our enjoyment (Ecc.5:19. Dt.8:10-13) and
enable us to meet the needs of others (1 Tim. 6:17,18).
God's Financial ProgramGod has established a very clear and practical financial plan for his
people. He gives us our very breath and the power to acquire wealth (Dt.8:18)
All that we have comes from him and therefore belongs to him (1
Chron.29:14-16). He simply asks us to honour him with the “first fruits” of all
our increase. The first ten percent of all our earnings is to be a “tithe”
(which literally means “tenth”) to the Lord. It is holy and not to be used by
us (Lev.27:30). It is to be brought to the “storehouse” where we are fed and
cared for. God then promises to bless us and watch over our possessions
(Mal.3:10-14). In addition, he encourages voluntary offerings to various good
causes as our heart moves us (Ex.35:21. 1 Chron.29:1-9).
The tithe belongs to the Lord and when we use it, we are literally
robbing God (Mal.3:6-9). In a real sense then, we don't “give tithes”, we “pay
tithes”. They are already God's - we're just returning them to him. Keeping or
using the tithe brings us under a curse and the judgement of God.
This principle of giving was followed by Abraham before the law and then
reinforced under Moses as part of the requirements of the law. In the New
Testament, Jesus affirmed the principle of tithing (Mt.23:23) and grace
actually brings us to a higher law - a place where we give not because we have
to but because we choose to and where we acknowledge that all that we have
belongs to God. We willingly give beyond the mere “tithe”. The Old Testament
was the early church's only Bible. For us today, everything that was abolished
from the Old Covenant is clearly made reference to in the New Testament
(Sabbath Days, ceremonial washings, etc). Interestingly, there is no Scripture
that says tithing is no longer relevant to New Covenant believers.
A Plan for Financial FreedomJesus came to give us “freedom” - spiritually, emotionally, physically
and also financially (Lk.4:18. Jn.8:32,36. Rom.8:2. Gal.5:1). When we are in
financial bondage the spiritual, emotional and relational aspects of our life
are dramatically affected. “Financial freedom” is having our basic needs met
with some extra to give away.
Here are some helpful steps to become financially free:
- Establish and live by a budget.
You must take control of your money or it will take control of you and
your life. A budget is the most important and effective tool for getting your
finances under control. A budget is a plan to spend money. It provides limits
and boundaries, which give security.
- Beware of the major “budget busters“.
Beware of “impulse buying”, “indulgence buying” and “compulsive spending”. Most
financial problems or difficulties occur because of improper spending of money.
It's not what you earn that matters - it's how much you spend. If you
consistently spend less than you earn, and save or invest the rest, you will
gain financial freedom.
- Say “No” to debt.
Say “No” to debt because it puts you in bondage (Prov.22:7), it puts you
under pressure (Prov.23:4), it can sabotage your joy (Ecc.4:6), it can damage
your Christian witness and it hinders you from being able to give
(Lk.10:25-37). If you are in debt, make a decision to get out of debt, get a
plan, get some help and don't give up.
- Say “Yes” to savings.
Prepare for the future by adopting a savings and investment plan
(Prov.21:20). Savings creates freedom, reduces pressure, enhances joy, is a
powerful witness and enables you to give. Make a decision to become a saver,
get a plan (Prov.13:11; 21:5), get some help and don't give up.
- Start with something like the 10 10 80 plan,Take the first 10% and give it to God's work (Prov.3:9). Take the second
10% and pay yourself by putting this in a savings or investment account. Then
endeavour to live in the remaining 80%.
The Miracle of Giving The subject of giving can be approached from two different perspectives
- human wisdom or the wisdom of God. The natural mind says, “Giving means I
make a loss.” The truth is when you give or invest in the God's work it is not
a loss but it is actually a deposit in your heavenly account. God records it
and there will be return for you (Mt.6:19-21. Lk.6:38. Phil.4:10-19). Secondly,
the natural mind easily says, “I can't afford to give” or “I'll give when I've
got some surplus.” However, God challenges us that when we give in faith even
when we are in a time of need, his miraculous provision begins to come our way.
He only asks us to give of what we already have (not what we don't have) and as
we go first, in faith and obedience, we release his blessing into our life (1
Kgs.17. Prov.3:9-10; 11:24-25; 22:9).
Sample Discussion Questions - If you inherited a million dollars, what would you do with it? This is a
fun question to break the ice and get some open sharing happening. Of course,
answers will reveal people's hearts and passion.
- What do you believe God thinks about prosperity and poverty? This is a
good general question about wealth to get people thinking and sharing,
- Ask for a few testimonies of how God has blessed people as a result of
them giving to the work of the church (including the Building Our Future
project, missions, etc) or to a needy person. This starts to lift the faith
level of the group in regards to giving.
- Discuss the 10/10/80 plan. What's good about it? What don't you like
about it? Why is it difficult for many people to manage their finances? This
gets the discussion really going by using this plan as a trigger point to
discuss things such as tithing, savings and budgeting.
- Why do some Christians struggle with the concept of “tithing”? See where
people are at with this core Christian teaching and see if you can answer any
of the questions people may have.
- Finish by praying for anyone in financial need and for everyone to be
blessed in this area.