Giving and Receiving
James discusses the power of how we pray and the impact it can have in our overflowing life as Christians.
Dreams Unwrapped
In this message, Amanda will encourage us to unwrap our God-given gifts and embrace the true purpose we’re designed for in order to live our lives as God intended - Life to the full and overflowing!
God Dreams Better Dreams
Delain Gunewardena
We all have goals and dreams that we want to happen in our lives, but it can be hard to understand that God's plans for us are far greater. Delain speaks on how we can keep chasing God-given dreams, and reconsider ones that might not align with His will.
Responding to God's Word
As humans we often are afraid or scared of what God might be saying to us, but God responds to us with the words, "I am with you." James reflects on Mary's response to the promise of God, and how we can too respond, "I am your servant."
Waiting for the Presence of God
Before Jesus was born, Israel was in a long season of waiting and longing for the Messiah. Christ came to dwell with us and to reveal God's presence with His children. Amanda reminds us of the gospel of Christmas and how we can seek the presence of God.
Let Justice Flow Like a River
Dee speaks on the topic of justice and how God desires Christians to seek and pursue it, rather than worship Him without actions.
God's Purpose in Lonliness
We cannot see victory if we try to fight alone. Andrew looks at the story of Elijah and how God uses withdrawal to renew, restore and bring us back to Himself and to relationships with others.
Give What You Have to Jesus
Delain Gunewardena
When the disciples told Jesus that they had only a few bread and fish to feed the crowd, Jesus told them to "bring them to me." God's power is not limited by lack of resource, but instead He calls us to give what little we may have to Him.
The Growing Seed
Alicia Devonshire
In this reflective workshop, Alicia shares what it looks like to grow in the Christian faith and the meaning behind the parable of the growing seed.
Hangry Jesus
Christ cried for justice while on earth, He brought justice for Christians through His death, and He will bring justice in the end for us all. What does justice for the sheep and the goats look like? James Thompson explores this parable as we try to love others in a new way everyday.
The Banquet for the Disadvantaged
God called the Israelite nation to bring the poor and oppressed to Him. But when they became prideful and failed in this mission, Jesus told the religious leaders a story of how God is calling those that society has overlooked to His banquet. Dee explores the parable of the nobleman's banquet and how we can share God's heart for the disadvantaged.
God Calls His Sheep to Justice
On this Justice and Work Impact weekend, Justice group leader Peter Green speaks on the parable of both the Sheep & the Goats and the Good Samaritan. These parables Jesus told give us the groundwork for how we are called to live out justice for our neighbour.
Kingdom Parables
How can we seek and save the lost? James opens up some of Jesus' early parables and shows us how we can take the messages in them into our lives.
A Foundation of Truth
When we listen to the deceiver and his lies, what we do and how we act will reflect these lies and accusations. God wants to set us free from the lies we believe, and build us up on a foundation of truth. James explores the parable of the wise and foolish builder.
God's Justice in Our Anger
When we feel that we have a right reason to be angry, forgiveness can be the hardest of all. Dee speaks on how we can begin to give our anger over to God, trusting in the power of His justice.
Hunger for Christ
Samuel Lau, Senior Pastor of Hong Kong Revival Christian Church, gives a powerful message on his own testimony, and on how we can hunger for Christ when our faith is weak.
Why Should We Forgive?
Alicia Devonshire
Forgiving can be hard when we have been seriously wronged, and God sees our pain and our hurt. Yet, Christ still calls us to forgive and to strive for reconciliation. Alicia explores why Christ calls us to do this and gives practical ways we can forgive others.
Thoughts on Fatherhood
What is a father's role? Guest speaker Ken Fish explores the wisdom our fathers passed down to us and how we can use it in our lives.
From Fear to Excitement
Once gripped by fear of Saul who persecuted Christians, Ananias believed God's power to change hearts and became the friend and mentor of the Apostle Paul. James encourages us not to be afraid of what the world might say if we evangelise, but instead to be excited about how God can work in the lives of the unbelieving.
The Enemy is Under Jesus' Feet
If we ignore the power of the enemy over this world, we are ignoring a reality which the Bible speaks about. But if we forget Christ's work on the cross, then we can become overcome by fear. Helen speaks on the reality of the devil and how we can overcome evil through Christ.