A series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.
Each session involves watching a video together as a couple and having completely private discussions between only you and your partner at various points in the video (no group work involved).
Whether you’ve been married for months or decades, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, The Marriage Course offers practical support to strengthen your relationship.
The course helps couples to:
• Communicate more effectively
• Understand each other’s needs
• Resolve conflict
• Recognize how upbringing affects your relationship
• Develop greater sexual intimacy
• And much, much more...
Click here to watch the series trailer.
The dates for this course are: July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and August 6,13 (Wednesdays)
Registration closes Wednesday, 1 July @5pm. Maximum capacity of 24 couples, so register now!For more information, please contact LifeTracks@citylife.church.